Roger Swann - Horn Player - Wine Enthusiast - C++ Programmer


++++ Roger is 50 ! ++++

** Happy Birthday **

Through this page I'd like to thank all of those who came to my little bash in Derbyshire on 12th/13th/14th June 2009. I really enjoyed seeing all of you and enjoyed everyones company immensly!

Here's just a tiny selection of photos from the event.


Here's a picture of Roger happily blowing bubbles on a hillside (Saturday)

Roger blowing bubbles
(Photograph: Susan Lansdale)


Here's a picture of the vital cricket match (Sunday)

Cricket match
(Photograph: Hazel Carlin)


Here's a picture of people dancing around a tree (Sunday)

Dancing around the tree
(Photograph: Hazel Carlin)


Here's a picture of members of the tough walking group (Friday)

Tough walkers on day one!
(Photograph: Willie)


Here's a picture of members of the tough walking group enjoying refreshment (Friday)

Tough walkers enjoying a beer
(Photograph: Willie)


Here's a picture of lots of people just before a steep uphill bit ! (Saturday)

Walkers gathering before an uphill bit!
(Photograph: Willie)


Here's a picture of everyone walking through some heather (Saturday)

Walking through heather!
(Photograph: Willie)


Here's a picture of people strolling in flowers (Sunday)

Walking in flowers
(Photograph: Willie)


Here's a picture of Roger looking fit and healthy (and lost?)

Roger looking about 50 years old
(Photograph: Willie)


Here's a picture of Roger presenting birthday girl Ellie with her cake (Saturday)

Roger giving Ellie some cake!
(Photograph: Susan Lansdale)


Here's a picture of the Gtins Biebaon judges (with assistants) (Saturday)

The Gtins Biebaon judges!
(Photograph: Jill Wells)


Here's a picture of the hog roast viewed from afar (Saturday)

The hog roast dash!
(Photograph: Susan Lansdale)



Have you tried the ultimate wind / brass BreveEasy long note practice software? You can download a free version of this product developed by Roger Swann from here.



For some reviews of selected concerts you might like to visit


Roger Swann - Horn Player - Wine Enthusiast - C++ Programmer