Software Design and DevelopmentWindows 11 Software DesignThe PC running Windows 11 or Windows embedded makes a low cost front end for many industrial control applications. Cigol Controls Limited has used this approach to great effect for many customers. Cigol Controls Limited use the Embarcadero C++ and C++ Builder range of compilers for most Winodws application development. This was formerly known as the Borland / Codegear C++ Builder package. It has been described as "... the most user friendly suite for Win32 [applications]" (Grey matter's regular publication HardCopy Dec 2005 page 15). The latest development studio from Embarcadero also supports native code generation for Windows 11 64 bit machines, the Apple Mac (mountain lion OS) and several mobile platforms including Android. We also uses the Microsoft Visual C++ and Visual Basic products. We have wide experience of the National Instruments LabView programming environment. We have several Windows applications that you can download free of charge. Back to Cigol Controls Home Page |