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Ultiboard Netlist Viewer / Translator

Cigol Controls Limited use the Ultiboard range of software for Schematic drawing and PCB design. Details of this software are available at National Instruments. This was formerly developed by Electronics Work Bench.

We have developed a simple netlist viewer and translation package. This allows the convenient viewing of Ultiboard 6 format netlists and also allows them to be saved as Protel 99SE format netlists

This freeware software is available for download now (530kb) . The software runs on Windows 95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / XP. After downloading the file run it to self-extract the installation file to a convenient temporary folder and then run translate.msi from that folder to start the installation process. An uninstall facitlity allows it's convenient removal after use. The software may be used / copied or distributed as you see fit. Cigol Controls make no guarantee as to the suitability of the software for any particular use and will not be liable for any consequences of use.

The software is freeware - but is limited in the number of components and nets it will support.

A license is available to allow unlimited components and netlists on a "per machine" basis. Details about obtaining this licence are contained in under the "Licence" menu. The current price for this license is as follows

£23-50 (including VAT - UK users)

£20 (excluding VAT non-UK users)

Download the Ultiboard 6 to Protel 99SE Netlist Translator Now

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