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** Off the shelf Vacuum Control Products **

Some of our standard vacuum control products are as follows.

VGI-100 - Four Channel Vacuum Gauge Interface

The VGI-100 is designed to provide an interface to between up to four high vacuum gauges and provides a convenient RS485 or RS232 output for use with the VCP-800 or any other vacuum control or monitoring system

Click here for more information on the VGI-100


VCP-800 - Pump Station Controller

The VCP-800 pump station controller is designed for tight integration with the WAVE vacuum control software developed by Cigol Controls for Wordentec Limited. It uses remote input / output modules for increased flexibility.

Click here for more information on the VCP-800


VCP-610 - Pump Station Controller

The VCP-610 is the latest in our range of stand alone Vacuum Pump Station controllers.

Click here for more information on the VCP-610 series Pump Station Controller


VCP-700 - Pump Station Controller

The VCP-700 pump station controller is designed for tight integration with the WAVE vacuum control software developed by Cigol Controls for Wordentec Limited.

Click here for more information on the WAVE control software


VCP-600 / VCP-601 / VCP-602 / VCP-603 - Pump Station Controllers

The VCP-600 range of Vacuum Pump Station controllers are widely used throughout the globe.

Click here for more information on the VCP-600 series Pump Station Controller


Click here for a short summary of the history of the VCP range of Vacuum Pumpstation Controllers


LNN-101 - Liquid Nitrogen Controller

The LNN-101 is designed for the control of liquid nitrogen in a meissner coil and / or diffusion pump baffle mounted within a high vacuum chamber

More information about the LNN-101


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