Cigol Controls Limited, C++, Embedded Software Design, Microprocessor Design




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VGI-100 - Four Channel Vacuum Gauge Interface (4 x RJ45 to RS485/RS232)

** Industrial Control Software **

Welcome to Cigol Controls Limited

Thank you for your interest in Cigol Controls Ltd

Please go to our summary page for a resume of our activities and achievements. Alternatively, press any of the buttons on the left for information on specific areas of our work.


Are you a C++ programmer with an independent mind?

We would be interested to hear from anyone based in mainland Britain (ideally in S.W. England) with an interest in writing high quality code that actually does something concrete (ie someone with an enthusiasm for making things work).


A tear jerking tale about an Epson dot matrix printer....


Clang Out of the Box - Dev Days of Summer Aug 2024

Roger Swann has presented a session with the above title as part of the on line festival "Dev Days of Summer Aug 2024"

You can watch a replay at about 1:57:35 into Dev Days of Summer Video


Director Roger Swann is an Embarcadero MVP

Founding director Roger Swann is a member of the Embarcadero "Most Valued Professional" scheme.

Roger with Embarcadero MVP T Shirt

For more details about Roger Swann and his contribution as a "Most Valued Professional" click here

For Roger Swann's thoughts on C++ Programming click here


The four channel vacuum gauge interface unit VGI-100 is now available.

The VGI-100 is supplied with a Windows 7 / Windows 10 compatible application that allows the display of measured vacuum gauges. Click here to download (free of charge) a simulation of this application (Win XP or Win 7, 10 or higher). This version (726710) was updated May 2019. Check your current version (Help/About) to see if you are using the latest version.

Click here for more information on the VGI-100

Picture of VGI-100 four chanel temperature controller


Here are some examples of our hardware products


4 Channel analogue 12 bit opto-isolated USB analogue input 


Cigol Controls Limited, C++, NDIC-II   


Customer specific surface mount PCB designed by Cigol Controls  Worked first time - PCB designed for UK customer


Photograph of HSI_101 digital i/o unit



We take care of data we hold on our staff and the staff of our customers and suppliers. Please read our Data Protection Statement (Revision 1) for information on our GDPR policy and procedures.